Facing Valentine’s Day As A Widow! 3 Strategies To Take Back Your Day!

Today is Valentine's Day 2023. It's one of those days, those miletone days, those holidays that we have to face. My intent for this episode was to come up with some helpful tips and strategies to make it through this Valentine's Day and make it a little less hurtful, a little more bearable. 

This is a short but sweet list on ways that you can take back control of this day! Make it what you want it to be! We can't stop this day from coming, but we can do whatever we want on this day!

Let me know how Valentine's Day was for you this year. What did you do? Email me at jen@widow180.com




Episode 163 TRANSCRIPT

Hello and welcome to this special edition of Widow 180: The Podcast.

Today is valentine’s day 2023. It’s one of those days, those milestone days, those holidays that we have to face. For some of you this is your first valentine’s day without your spouse and I am thinking of you because I know how hard this can be, especially if this is one of those occasions that you really got into. If your spouse really went all out for valentine’s day, this is a hard reminder of what’s missing now. And I’m truly sorry.

My intent for this podcast episode was to come up with some helpful tips on ways that we can make Valentine’s day a little more bearable, a little less hurtful. So I hope this helps in some way. Although I know that this is not ideal and it still stings and the only thing that we want is to be with our partner. The following is a short, but sweet list of strategies to help you get through this valentine’s day.

1.       Make the focus on the kids. So, of course, this applies if you still have little ones at home, you can make this day a day of LOVE, which it is. So, we don’t have to focus on romantic love today. We can focus on LOVE in general. The love we have for other people in our lives, other family, our friends. Making the focus on the kiddos could be something easy like Valentine gift bags that you can make up. You could get them involved and bake valentine heart shaped cookies and decorate them. And then maybe bring them to the neighbor or over to grandmaw’s house if they live near you. You can do other Valentine’s day crafts, and I’m not a super crafty person but you can sure get on pinterest and go down that rabbit hole together and pick some really fun things to make! Ok I just paused this so that I could look at pinterest and that was like an hour ago. Ya’ll there are so many cute things you can do with the kids! And they would LOVE that time with you. That’s something that they will always remember.


2.       This year valentine’s day falls on a Tuesday, which honestly is very helpful. I know I’ve told ya’ll this before but when it comes to holidays and milestone days I’m in the camp of “I don’t even want to know that today is valentine’s day” I just want to keep my head down and get through this day like it’s any other Tuesday and not be slapped in the face with it. So, here’s a helpful tip that I know I used to do. Don’t go to the store unless you absolutely have to. Don’t go to the grocery store, there’s too many balloons and flowers and cards being shoved in your face right now. Wait a few days until they take those displays down. Ugh. Especially when you go in there and you see all these other men buying flowers and gifts for their wives or girlfriends. Then you either get jealous and angry about your crappy situation. Or you fall headfirst into a pit of despair and heartache. Just don’t do it. Don’t go to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby or walgreens or Anywhere, for that matter.  Stay away from those triggering situations because you know that’s what you’re going to see when you go in there! This year, for me, Valentine’s day is just like any other Tuesday. The kids still have school. I’ll still be working. The kids still have after school practice, then it’s dinner, then homework, then bath then bed. It’s just like any other day. Which is good if you’re like me and you just want to get through it.


3.       The third strategy you can take this year is to do the complete opposite of #2 and not avoid it at all and instead treat yourself like a freakin queen! Schedule a massage or better yet a full day at the spa. Go and get a mani/pedi. This does, of course require a little pre-planning because you can’t always just walk into your favorite spa and get a massage immediately. So, if you can’t do it on the actual day of valentine’s day, maybe you do it next weekend. Maybe you want to Buy yourself some fresh flowers, I for one, love to have fresh flowers in the house. Buy yourself your favorite dessert or order takeout from your favorite place! Treat yourself kindly, no better than just kindly. Treat yourself like a queen, my friend. Have fun. Plan something with friends and go out. Or plan something with friends and have dinner at your house. Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it! Maybe you take this day to try something completely new to you! If you want to tackle this day with your adventurous side, and really grab life, try something you’ve never done before! Something you would be really proud of yourself for accomplishing. Something that will boost your confidence and your self-esteem on this day that might otherwise make you feel pretty low.


The point of all of these is to Take back control of your day! We can’t stop the day from coming. It’s happening whether we like it or not. But you can have control over your day. And do this day YOUR way, whatever that looks like! You are not completely powerless here. And this is your reminder that you have that control. Always.

Ok, I hope you found this to be helpful. These are just a few suggestions on what you can do to get through Valentine’s day. I would love to hear from you! What did you do today? How was it? How did you spend your Valentine’s day? Let me know. Email me at jen@widow180.com

This is definitely one of those things we are here to support each other through. Nobody else seems to understand how this feels, so that’s why this community is so important. Email me and I can help. Again that’s jen@widow180.com

Ok that’s it for me. Until next week, believe in the possibilities!


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